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RADLab Publications

Gaurav Suri on Google Scholar

Electronic versions of papers are provided as a professional courtesy to ensure timely dissemination of academic work for individual, non-commercial purposes. Copyright resides with the respective copyright holders, as stated within each paper. These files may not be reposted without permission.

(*) = Students or Lab Members

Suri, G., Papp, K.R. (2024), A computational account of self-control. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 123, 102886.

Suri, G., Slater, L.R. (*), Ziaee, A.(*), & Nguyen, M.(*) (2024) Do Large Language Models Show Decision Heuristics Similar to Humans? A Case Study Using GPT-3.5. The Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.

Suri, G (2023). What ChatGPT tells us about our minds. Caravan.

Derreumaux, Y (*) et al. and Suri, G. (2023). Stereotypes Disrupt Probabilistic Category Learning. The Journal of Experimental Psychology: General


Milceli, A. C. (*) and Suri, G. (2022). The Role of Attention in Status Quo Bias. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.

Suri, G. (2022). Affordances and the Mechanisms Underlying Reappraisal. The Handbook of Emotion Regulation.


Suri, G, and Gross, J.J. (2022). Why a Connectionist Perspective on Emotion is Helpful. Emotion Review.

Suri, G, and Gross, J.J. (2022). What is an Emotion? A Connectionist Perspective. Emotion Review.

Milkman, K. et al., and Suri, G. (2022). Megastudies Improve the Impact of Applied Behavioral Science. Nature.

Sharma, M. (*), Bashir, S., Suri, G. (2021) Three Addend Addition: Who Goes Out of Order and Why?The Journal of Numerical Cognition.

Ramnath, S. (*), & Suri, G. (2021). Managing Depression in India: Opportunities for a Targeted Smartphone App. International Journal of Social Psychiatry.

Moodie, C., Suri, G, et al. (2020)  The neural bases of cognitive emotion regulation: The roles of strategy and intensity. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience.

Mehta. A(*), Formanowicz, M., Uusberg, A., Uusberg, H., Gross, J.J., Suri, G. (2020). The Regulation of Recurrent Negative Emotion in the Aftermath of a Lost Election. Cognition and Emotion.


Uusberg, A., Suri, G., Dweck, C., Gros, J.J. (2020) Motivation: a valuation systems perspective. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation.

Suri, G., Gross, J. J., & McClelland, J. (2019). Value Based Decision Making: An Interactive Activation Perspective. Psychological Review.

Neider, D.P. (*), Fuse, M., & Suri, G. (2019). Cockroaches, Performance, and an Audience: Reexamining Social Facilitation 50 Years Later. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.

Young, G.(*), Suri, G., (2019). Emotion Regulation Choice: A Broad Examination of External Factors. Cognition and Emotion.

Suri, G. (2019). Attitudes Towards Depression in India: Lower Socio-Economic-Status Groups May Demonstrate Higher ToleranceInternational Journal of Indian Psychology, 7(1), 931-939. DIP:18.01.105/20190701, DOI:10.25215/0701.105

Yeh, N. (*), Barber, S., Suri, G., Optiz, P. (2019), The role of reappraisal success in emotional and memory outcomes. Emotion.

Uusberg, A., Suri, G., Dweck, C. S., & Gross, J. J. (in press). Motivation: A Valuation Systems Perspective. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation.

Suri, G., Shine, J.M., & Gross, J.J. (2018) Why Do We Do What We Do?: The Attention Readiness Motivation FrameworkSocial and Personality Psychology Compass.


Suri, G., Lavaysse, L. M., Young, G.(*), Moodie, C., Tersakyan, A., Gross, J. J., & Gard, D. E. (2017). An Investigation into the Drivers of Avolition in Schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research, 261, 225-231.


Ghafur, R.D.(*), Suri, G., & Gross, J.J. (2018) Emotion regulation choice: The role of orienting attention and action readinessCurrent Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 19, 31-35.

Suri, G; Sheppes, G; Young, G; Abraham, D; McRae, K; Gross, J (2017). Emotion Regulation Choice: The Role of Environmental Affordances. Cognition and Emotion. 1-9.

O'Leary, D., Suri, G., & Gross, J.J. (2017) Reducing Behavioral Risk Factors for Cancer: An Affect Regulation Perspective. Psychology and Health.

Mehta, A.(*), Young, G.(*), Wicker, A.(*), Barber, S., Suri, G. (2017), Emotion Regulation Choice: Differences in U.S. and Indian Populations, International Journal of Indian Psychology, (4). 

Hansen, S., Kyle, A., Suri, G., & McClelland, J. (2017). Building on prior knowledge without building it in. Behavioral and Brain Sciences.

Shafir, R., Thiruchselvam, R., Suri, G., Gross, J. J., & Sheppes, G. (2016). Neural processing of emotional-intensity predicts emotion regulation choiceSocial cognitive and affective neuroscience, nsw114.

Suri, G., Sheppes, G., & Gross, J. J. (2015). The role of action readiness in motivated behavior. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 144(6), 1105.

Suri, G., & Gross, J. J. (2015). The role of attention in motivated behavior. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 144(4), 864.

Sheppes, G., Suri, G., & Gross, J. J. (2015). Emotion regulation and psychopathology. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 11, 379-405.

Suri, G., Whittaker, K., & Gross, J. J. (2015). Launching reappraisal: It’s less common than you might think. Emotion, 15(1), 73.

Suri, G., Sheppes, G., Leslie, S., & Gross, J. J. (2014). Stairs or escalator? Using theories of persuasion and motivation to facilitate healthy decision making. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 20(4), 295.

Knutson, B., Katovich, K., & Suri, G. (2014). Inferring affect from fMRI data. Trends in cognitive sciences, 18(8), 422-428.

Sheppes, G., Scheibe, S., Suri, G., Radu, P., Blechert, J., & Gross, J. J. (2014). Emotion regulation choice: a conceptual framework and supporting evidence. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 143(1), 163.

Suri, G., Sheppes, G., & Gross, J. J. (2013). Predicting affective choice. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 142(3), 627.

Suri, G., Sheppes, G., Schwartz, C., & Gross, J. J. (2013). Patient Inertia and the Status Quo Bias When an Inferior Option Is Preferred. Psychological science.

Suri, G., Sheppes, G., & Gross, J. J. (2013). Emotion regulation and cognition. Handbook of cognition and emotion, 195-209.

Suri, G., & Gross, J. J. (2012). Emotion regulation and successful aging. Trends in cognitive sciences, 16(8), 409-410.

Sheppes, G., Scheibe, S., Suri, G., & Gross, J. J. (2011). Emotion-regulation choice. Psychological Science.

Suri, G. (2015). Why Do We Do what We Do? The Attention-readiness-motivation Framework (Doctoral dissertation, STANFORD UNIVERSITY).

Suri, G., & Bal, H. S. (2010). A certain ambiguity: a mathematical novel. Princeton University Press.

(*) = Students or Lab Members

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